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Elasticity and Sagging

Age tends to be the main culprit of loose and sagging skin. As we age, our body naturally produces less collagen and elastin, which both help to keep your skin firm. However, there are other reasons why your skin may be aging faster than you’d like.


Genetics: Some people are more genetically pre-dispositioned to loose skin than others.


Sun Exposure: UV radiation for prolonged periods causes your skin to overproduce an abnormal amount of elastin, causing collagen to break down, leading to wrinkles and sagging. Exposure to UV rays may be responsible for about 80% of the visible signs of aging.


Cigarette Smoking: by the age of 30, smokers will have a visible increase in lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.


Dehydrated Skin: When your skin is dehydrated, you will start to notice the surface getting flaky, loose, and wrinkled. Keeping your skin hydrated from the inside out by drinking water and moisturizing can help.


Hormonal Changes: Women going through menopause may start to notice a significant decrease in elastin and collagen. As estrogen levels begin to decrease significantly, your skin’s hydration levels start to suffer.


Poor Dietary Decisions: A diet high in carbohydrates and sugars. The sugar that floods your system can attach itself to your collagen and elastin, causing glaciation, which causes premature wrinkles and sagging.


Weight Loss: Drastic weight loss can lead to your skin, taking a bit longer to catch up and retract. Surgical or non-surgical procedures may be necessary to restore skin elasticity and tautness.


QT Face MD solutions: QT Face MD Aesthetics offers a variety of scientifically proven options that can help softening fine lines and wrinkles, re-establishing volume, and optimizing overall appearance and beauty. These options include laser skin rejuvenation, radiofrequency and ultrasound skin tightening and body contouring, microneedling and radiofrequency collagen induction therapy, and hydromicrodermabrasion skin resurfacing therapy. We will listen to your concerns and work with you to select available procedures that would be optimal for your unique situation.

Elderly Causcasian woman with periorbital wrinkles

Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation refers to any discoloration of the skin due to an increase in melanin — be it an acne scar, sun damage, freckles, age spots, or a condition like melasma.


What is Melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition in which the body overproduces melanin, creating dark brown patches of pigment — typically on the face, forehead, upper cheeks, and around the mouth. Melasma can be triggered by a number of external factors like sun exposure, heat, or skin trauma, but the real culprits here are hormones. Melasma mostly affects women — and is sometimes referred to as "the mask of pregnancy," as it frequently appears during pregnancy due to the vast hormonal changes. It can also be triggered by birth control or hormonal therapies.


QT Face MD solutions: QT Face MD Aesthetics offers a variety of scientifically proven options that can help eliminate or reduce the appearance of skin hyperpigmentation. These options include chemical peels, hydromicrodermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing. We offer the latest laser technology platform that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of age spots, freckles, lentigines, photodamage, and pigmented acne scars. We will listen to your concerns and work with you to select available procedures that would be optimal for your unique situation.

Causcasian woman receiving radiofrequency microneedling therapy

Brightening and Retexturizing

Skin concerns: Brightening and retexturizing Dark spots, blemishes and rough, uneven skin texture may accumulate as we age. The process may be accelerated by factors, including our genetics, excess sun exposure, dehydrated Skin, hormonal changes, and poor dietary decisions.


QT Face MD solutions: QT Face MD Aesthetics offers a variety of scientifically proven options that can help optimizing overall appearance and beauty. These options include laser skin rejuvenation, microneedling collagen induction, and hydromicrodermabrasion skin resurfacing therapy. We will listen to your concerns and work with you to select available procedures that would be optimal for your unique situation.

Facial Treatment

Wrinkled and Fine Lines

Fine lines are often one of the very first signs of aging. As skin begins to age, fine lines may begin to appear around the eyes and other areas on the face, especially along expression lines that appear when you smile, laugh or frown. Wrinkles are more deep-set. I As you age, many fine lines may turn into wrinkles as skin loses elasticity and firmness.

What causes fine lines and wrinkles?


Over time—and with exposure to UV rays and pollution—collagen and elastin in the skin may become damaged which causes skin to gradually lose its firmness and elasticity. As this happens, fine lines can form that may eventually turn into deep-set lines and wrinkles. Skin often becomes dry or dehydrated with age which can also cause lines to appear more visible.


What are the different types of wrinkles?

Some of the most common types of facial wrinkles are:


Forehead Lines
Forehead lines, or frown or worry lines, are horizontal lines across the forehead and vertical lines between the eyebrows. Stress, worry and frowning can all contribute to how forehead lines form.


Smile Lines
Smile lines, or marionette lines, usually form on the sides of the mouth and can be related to laughing and smiling.


Crow’s Feet
The delicate skin around the eyes is often one of the first places to show signs of aging. Crow’s feet is another name for the lines that form around the outer corner of the eyes. In addition to the skin around the eyes being delicate, squinting can also lead to crow’s feet forming.


QT Face MD solutions: QT Face MD Aesthetics offers a variety of scientifically proven options that can help softening fine lines and wrinkles, re-establishing volume, and optimizing overall appearance and beauty. These options include laser skin rejuvenation, radiofrequency and ultrasound skin tightening and body contouring, microneedling and radiofrequency collagen induction therapy, and hydromicrodermabrasion skin resurfacing therapy. We will listen to your concerns and work with you to select available procedures that would be optimal for your unique situation.

Causcasian femal modeling signs of aging.

Vascular Lesions/Redness

What Are Vascular Lesions?

Vascular lesions are skin conditions that affect the veins, capillaries, and arteries. These malformations of the blood vessels cause the skin to have irregular redness. Specific skin conditions commonly causing redness includes:


Rosacea: Characterized by red and flushed appearance. Rosacea is most common on the cheeks and nose. This can be due to enlarged blood vessels on face. The flushed complexion can spread into other areas of the face and even the body.



Blood vessels expands, leading to the appearance of red web-like veins on face. Red web-like veins are most likely to appear on sensitive areas of the face such as the cheeks and nose.


Varicose Veins: Veins become enlarged and swollen. Varicose veins occur mostly on the legs and feet, where the blood flow becomes interrupted due to weak valves.


QT Face MD solutions: QT Face MD Aesthetics offers the latest laser technology platform that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of facial veins, leg veins, periorbital veins, and venous lakes.

Woman showing signs of aging

Hard to Reach Fat

Having unwanted cellulite on the neck (i.e. under the
chin), arms, thighs, buttocks, flank and abdomen?


QT Face MD solutions: We employed an FDA approved platform which combined infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum, which cause deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen fibers. This type of efficient heating, causing deep stimulates the growth of new and better collagen and elastin which results in a localized reduction in skin laxity, body volume, and an overall improvement in
skin structure and texture. Overall, the combination of technologies helps contour your body, reducing the trouble spots that diet and exercise can’t reach.

VelashapeIII image of ab before and after treatment

Unwanted Hair

Have unwanted hair on your – underarms, bikini area, lip/chin, legs, and back?

QT Face MD solutions: Laser hair removal is a popular alternative to waxing and shaving due to its more permanent results. We use FDA-cleared lasers that are tailored to your specific skin type & hair color. The treatment is fast without recovery time needed after treatment.

Causcasian woman receving IPL hair removal underarm
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